Post-Accident Inspections

Post-Accident Inspections

When disaster strikes, your organization needs the highest level of experience to assist in the re-creation of facts on the ground. From first hint of danger to the moment of impact to the aftermath, every single element must be investigated and documented to the greatest detail possible.

The Pacific Coast Motor Carrier Safety Institute offers a comprehensive, on-call and on-site post-accident inspection service. Our team members will travel to the location to ascertain the facts of the matter. The goal is to gather information based on real-world experience that can be used later in any future investigation or expert testimony.

Most important is the opportunity to document a vehicle’s mechanical condition after any accident. The Institute’s principals are seasoned vehicle inspection specialists, and can give your organization the enhanced insight required for a clearer view of what actually transpired.

Contact the Institute today to arrange for your post-accident inspection: 909-720-4368. Or simply complete the form below.


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    For faster service, please call us at 909-720-4368 from 9AM-5PM weekdays Pacific time.

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